Tuesday, October 03, 2006
i'll make this a quick one.
well. i'm not in the mids of my promos. actually, not middle. tml is my last paper. anyway, they are sure to promote me to JC2 =D
just received news that training's gonna start this week too. oh man. don't we get to rest? my 6 day holidae just got cut down to 4. you know, 2 is a significant no. and it happens to be one of my fav. wth. i can't do anything about it anyway. just hope that everything runs smoothly and nth goes wrong. =D
mum's gone on holidae again. so gotta go over to grandma's house for dinner. and everytime i go there. the first thing my grandfather will ask is 'where ur daddy'. the first thing he says to me when i step into the house. damn. isn't he irritating. i guess irritating people have a way of blocking out their own irritation. they should think along the lines of negative externality man!. econs sure does help. well. i'm pissed. everytimes he calls my home, and when i pick up. this is the scenario:
Ring Ring~ x10 times.
answers me: "Harlow?"
-brief akward silence.-
then comes a deep voice after figuring out that i'm not the person he's looking for: "ur daddy"
that's the onli damn thing he says man. can't he at least greet first? i guess it runs in the family. my dad doesn't sae hi to me when he calls. but at least he calls my name. then i'll reply "yes?"
i don't deny that i was like that once. i emphasise ONCE. some people may thing that's very cool or hip. i mean when people call you and you just go "ya?" without even greeting. come on la. where's the manners? and the basic courtesy?
well's it's not really smth bad. or somthing really rude. but it's just a bad habit to me which i disapprove of. i guess it's alright if that happens between you and a close friend. coz u understand each other well. but if that happens with someone like me who gets easily pissed after a few times. then you better start thinking and changing.
back to the story. i don't understand why my grandfather has to keep repeating himself.
scenario 2.
Dining table having dinner.
me eating halfway.
the voice comes again: ur daddy?
i mean. wtf man. don't you ever get tired. and the other thing is why do you have to keep looking for my dad. it's damn irritating. at least to me coz i'm the onli one he keeps asking his questions. maybe i should just be more anti-social with him. perphaps? i notice that everytimes we, my sis and i, goes over. i'll go in first. then my sis will follow behind. he doesn't even look at us man. he continues looking outside of the door. then he finally realise that we're already 5 steps in the house. then he goes: ur daddy?
and you're asking my next line of action?
fight ignorance with ignorance. after which i may explode if things don't work out. =D
TODAE i watched a really nice show during the time i was meant to use for studying. but i told myself it was worth it. it was on hallmark i think. called Mom at 16. really want to give you guys who are reading a review but i'm too lazy. maybe another day. i just want to say i LOVED the movie.
just got a qiuck review from some webpage:

Sixteen-year-old Jacey Jeffries (Danielle Panabaker) is an ideal student -- until her boyfriend (Tyler Hynes) gets her pregnant; she plans to give up the baby for adoption but soon has a change of heart. Respecting her daughter's decision but wanting her to enjoy a normal teenage life, Jacey's well-meaning mother (Mercedes Ruehl) agrees to raise the child as her son. Jane Krakowski plays Jacey's guidance counselor in this made-for-cable drama. (it's the pic on the left)
Starring: Mercedes Ruehl, Jane Krakowski ...
NEXT. me and the guys were talking last last night coz i was on holidae todae. talked about open restaurant. don't know why but i suddenly had this idea sometime ago. jh did a quick calculation and said that in 7yrs. yup 7yrs the fastes we could accomplish this dream. not really sure how insterested they are but it's worth a shot. currently looking for more people who are interested. well i reallly want to know what they think.
you can laugh all you want but there's nth funny about it. at least it's a dream that we can look forward to together. =D
Interested applications plz look 4 me =D
enjoy reading.
Mutants RulE8:20 PM